Tag Archives: pink phlox

Gone a’LARPing

Random Thoughts

Saver of Bugs is off on a six-hour drive across a couple of states to go to a LARP (live action role play).  At this LARP her character is feline based (I’m not really sure what the correct term is).  So from Friday to Sunday, with roughly 5-7 hrs of sleep per night, she will live in another world.


As the 5 houses vie for power and riches, rumours abound from the frontier.  Rumours of fist sized gems and untold treasures are followed by stories of fur faced terrors, green-skinned beasts, giants, spirit creatures and the undead terrorizing the settlements.  Important as any physical weapon are the spells and magikal abilities of those who inhabit this world.  With the 5 houses scheming and in contention and terrors real and imagined roaming the land,  who truly holds the power of the frontier?


Fun Fact:  Saver of Bugs has always liked saving whiskers.  We don’t know where her original collection, stuck in a ball of clay, went.  Probably ‘somewhere safe’ to never be seen again.  But she did have enough on her dresser to make herself a small necklace/talisman for her character.  It turns out that her necklace incited horror from some who thought she had plucked the whiskers off her cats!  They didn’t know that whiskers are really just specialized hairs that die and shed just like regular hair.  And did you know that cats have whiskers on their paws?  This is one of the reasons cats reach out slowly to touch strange objects with just the very tips of their paws.  They can get a sensory reading from their paw whiskers!  Of course, if the ‘object’ moves or appears threatening, that reach is followed with a nasty slap!

Life At Our House

About  3 o’clock this afternoon I realized that I would survive the sinus migraine and rejoin the living.  With some help from Spider Bait,  I began tackling the week’s worth of laundry in the basement.  The first load in was my sheets so that I could hang them outside to dry.  The sun had come out this afternoon along with a brisk breeze.  So tonight I get to sleep on sun-dried bed clothes.  My whole room smells like sunshine just from the sheets.  We get rain tomorrow, but Sunday is supposed to be sunny.  I may do my monthly bed stripping then and put everything out in the sun.

Guess what I found standing straight up in the grass under the laundry lines?

A Crow’s feather!

Fur Babies and Other Friends


Just a reminder.  There are many different uses for crystals and also many different interpretations.  What I put here is just a taste, so to speak.

Below is green calcite.  Calcite comes in many colors:  blue, green, yellow, orange, clear, brown, pink, grey, red.  It also comes from many places:  US, Britain, Belgium, Czech Republic, Mexico, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania, Brazil.  Green calcite here is most commonly from Mexico.  Its astrological sign is Cancer and it is associated with the heart chakra.

Green Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy.  Having a piece of it in a room can help cleanse negative energy.  It is a mental healer.  It can help restore balance to the mind, calm emotions, and help with anxiety and panic attacks.  It is said to be a stimulator for the immune system and can help soothe inflammation.  Hold or place on your body or wear as a pendant.

 Out in the Yard

Grape Hyacinths and Pink Phlox together

Mug For Tomorrow

Sorry for the blurry pics.  Still a bit shaky.

Dear Dorothy: Hate Oz, Took the shoes, Find your own way Home. Toto

PS.  Had to rewrite over half the post after it disappeared.  And why does spell check highlight a word and then say it has no suggestion?  (Grrrrr)

Can you paint with all the colors of the Wind?

Random Thoughts

My son was playing Disney music this morning and Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas began to play.  Now I wasn’t hugely impressed with the film but this song never fails to bring me to tears.  I hate the way we humans treat the Earth.  Did you know there are rafts of garbage floating in the ocean?  Here’s one of them:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pacific_Garbage_Patch

This also reminded me that at one time I was a regular woods tramp.  I tried to remember when the last time was that I enjoyed myself in the woods.  I couldn’t come up with anything more recent that when my son was young.  So we’re talking about 10 yrs.  That’s really sad.  So after I dropped Spider Bait off for an afternoon with his friends, I made a detour to a nearby State Park.  Things had changed since I was last there!  They’ve spiffed up the info center, evidently have more trails, and…. lol, they’re selling t-shirts!  Nice ones!  I chatted up the people at the center,  grabbed brochures, a map, and got the card of the educational dept. guy who handles classes.  It’s the same person from way back when!  I wanted to go pop in at the Wildflower Preserve but was short on time so since the rain had stopped, I grabbed a couple of quick photos from the hill in front of my car.


Trilliums and Bluebells

“…and we are all connected to each other / in a circle  / in a hoop / that never ends…”   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkV-of_eN2w


This is where I’ll give you a brief tidbit about crystals.  Hopefully getting me back in touch with why I started collecting them and educating and entertaining you in the process.

Today’s crystal is Rose Quartz.  It can be found in South Africa, the United States, Brazil, Japan, India, and Madagascar.  Astrologically it is associated with Taurus and Libra.  This crystal has no bad qualities.  It is the ultimate in healing crystals as it can help with both physical and emotional problems.  Rose Quartz is important for both your heart and heart chakra.  It can also draw off negative energy, is soothing for those in crisis or in grief, helps in self-forgiveness, and aids in acceptance of necessary change.  Wear it, especially over your heart.  Rose Quartz is also a crystal of infinite peace and unconditional love.  If you wish to draw love into your life, keep some by your bed or in your relationship corner (Feng Shui).

Polished. A bit bigger than a quarter.

Rough. Fist sized.

The color is somewhat light.  I’m still working on lighting.

Life at Our House

 Today I made bread.  A rye sourdough with molasses in it.

Fur Babies and Other Friends

 Stolen from the stash.  All my pics were a bust.  Damn dizzy’s.

Out in the Yard

No yard work today!  Our header today is pink phlox.

And here’s my mug for tomorrow.