Tag Archives: fun

Breakfast Surprise – Yum!

The only double yolk in my entire life! How cool! ๐Ÿ˜€


Happy Puppy, His Boy Is Home


Look at that sweet face! Imagine the deep doggy groan of contentment as Ryder cuddles up to his boy home from college. (And shoving his face -firmly- right up against Spider Bait’s chin. ๐Ÿ˜€ )

Frosted Moss (A Brief Moment In Time)

As I was outside with the energizer bunny (Ryder), the sky darkened and small wee bits of snow swirled in the wind. It lasted only 5 minutes, but that was long enough to coat the moss in our yard in waves of white frosting.

Notice the little wavy pattern of the snow.

Notice the little wavy pattern of the snow and how it’s stuck to just one side of the moss.

Unfortunately, it came in 5 minutes and then left in 5 minutes. ย The temperature was exactly 32 degrees farenheit and the sun was peeking off and on through the clouds just enough to melt everything it touched.

You can see some of the droplets beginning to form from the snow.  It was beautiful while it lasted.


I’m Awake! (and hungry!)

Cooper has decided he is done with brumation – a condition somewhat similar to hibernation in mammals. “I’m awake!” he says, “Feed me!”.

Someone also needs a bath to help him with that shedding skin!

Someone needs a bath to help him with that shedding skin! Also note the half black throat. ย Male beardies will do a lot of displaying after they come out of brumation. ย In their natural habitat, it would be time to mate!





Yum Yum! Green beans are his favorite after dandelion greens. So out of a mixed dish he will pick them out first. Picky, picky.

Yum Yum!ย 


I Just Don’t Get It…

Ryder sleeps like this on a regular basis. ย HOW is that comfortable?

If I slept like that I wouldn't be able to move my head for a month!

If I slept like that, I wouldn’t be able to move my head for a month!


Our First Real Snow This Winter (Ryder Was Loving It)

So fall finally gave up her grip and winter has descended. ย We had our first accumulation and it was a wet sticky snow. ย So, of course, I had to go out with the camera. ย My 54 pound energizer bunny demanded to go as well.

Looking down the back of our yard, everything frosted and beautiful.

Looking down the back of our yard, everything frosted and beautiful.

Looking into the tree line that separates our property from the neighbors.  Every little branch holding its bit of snow.

Standing under one of our old maples looking into the tree line that separates our property from the neighbors. Every little branch holding its bit of snow, whitening the landscape so thoroughly you can’t see our neighbors yard.

And while I was meandering and trying to enjoy the hush that such a snow brings, my four-footed tornado was running, snuffling, and demanding attention.

Zoom, zooom

Running, running, running…

Heavy enough to bring down

So wet and heavy, the snow was enough to bring boughs down to earth.

And still he ran.

And still he ran. (Ryder loves the snow.)

After about 40 minutes of the zoomies, Ryder finally wound down.

After about 40 minutes of the zoomies, Ryder finally wound down. ย And I headed to the back of the yard to stand under a large pine tree and listen to the quiet.

The view through the tree branches was spectacular.

The view through the tree branches was spectacular. It was a fine way to end the day.



Chillin’ In The Window (Cato Is Sure He Lives Here Now)

Sweet kitty!


Belly up, comfortable and secure.

So Much For Morning Solitude

 Ryder enjoying some morning sunshine in peace. But not for long!

Sweet puppy. Ryder enjoying a spot of ย morning sunshine in peace. But not for long!

Armel showed up and invited him to play.

Armel showed up and invited him to play.

Ryder obliged with some light play.

Ryder obliged with some light play.

Ryder has even started mimicking the cats in play. :D

Slap fight! ย Ryder thinks he is part kitty. ย ๐Ÿ˜€

But when

But when Ryder decided he’d rather snooze than play, Armel got up close and personal. ย Poor puppy. So much for a morning snooze in the sun!


Having Fun Is Exhausting

Having fun biting, growling, throwing, chasing, and shaking your toys can just wipe you out.

Having fun biting, growling, throwing, chasing, and shaking your toys can just wipe you out.


A Little Light Fun – Armel And Ryder

Saver of Bugs had this series of pictures on her phone of her cat Armel and my dog Ryder having a little fun together back in September. ย Not bad for only knowing each other a couple of months at this point. Enjoy! ย (And the white blur you see in some of the pictures is Ryder’s waving tail!)












All done!