Category Archives: Cake

Randomness and Cake-With-All-The-Sh#t-In-It

Just a lot of odds n ends today.  Starting with the fact that I woke up feeling like someone put a knife through my back and shoulder.  I have had this before.  It sucks.  If it gets bad, it will travel down my right arm causing so much pain I won’t be able to use my right hand well.  And I am right-handed.  And I am not happy.  I’ve been sucking Motrin and muscle relaxants, stretching, and trying not to do too much to aggravate the shoulder and neck.  I hope the worst will be over by the time I wake up tomorrow.  And if typing this post causes problems, it will be a real short post.


So last Thursday evening I found out my neighbor, an elderly lady, had decided she didn’t want any of her side gardens any more and had already ripped out the plants from one side of her house and thrown them down the hill into the woods. (sob)  Someone had already taken a weed whacker to a bunch of the plants by the fence between our driveways and finding out that they were the next to go I asked if I could dig some out and keep them.   So Friday night after dinner, while I still had light, I moved some worse for wear Iris’s from her garden to mine.  A couple of the plants had flowers and thus escaped the weed whacker but moving them caused the flowers to pitch over so I cut them and put them in a vase.  Here’s what I will have in a year or two depending on how much damage was done:

I also have Siberian Iris’s blooming in my garden so I tucked a couple of the last ones blooming into the vase with these guys.  I love the scent.  And one of my Siberian Iris’s is our header today.


My husband made scones for Mother’s Day.  Tea + scone = Breakfast!


I went to the Farmer’s Market for stuff and decided to treat myself to a plant.  Since my plant isn’t blooming yet, I’m copying a photo off Google for you to look at.



180 × 183 – Ice plant ‘Mezoo Trailing Red’, Dorotheanthus littlewoodii ‘Mezoo Trailing


This will probably be the last week I get to wear my favorite slippers.  They’re Dearfoams.  It is supposed to get warm this weekend and stay that way for a while.  So I’m giving you a picture of my wonderful, 60% off, bought a red pair and a grey pair, after Christmas specials that I adore like no others.  It’s like having sweaters for my feet.  Oh, and they used to have pompoms on the front.  Really cute.  But between the cats and the washer, they didn’t last long.  They are now cat toys.  But the slippers themselves are awesome.


When I was little we always had a cake that was our Birthday Cake.  For years, for me, it was Special Yellow Jello Cake.  Then in my late teens or early 20’s my mother got a recipe with no name.  We just call it The-Cake-With-All-The-Shit-In-It.  It was an instant success.  It later became the Easter cake as well.  This weekend was my birthday and Mother’s Day and I required this cake.  My mother brought it over Sunday night.  Now, it is slightly smooshed.  For the first time in history the cake fell out of the pan on its head.  Trust me, this did not affect the taste in the least.  So when you look at the picture, imagine it standing tall like any normal Angel Food cake. 🙂  The recipe follows.

  • 1 / Box Angel Food cake mix.  Or if you must, one already made from the store.
  • 1 / 20 oz. can crushed pineapple
  • 1 / 4.7 oz box -cook and serve- vanilla pudding mix
  • 1 / med. jar maraschino cherries
  • 1 / half-pint whipping cream
  1. In a saucepan, empty can of pineapple, juice and all.  Add -DRY- pudding mix straight from the box.  Cook on medium heat until thickened and translucent.  Refrigerate till chilled.
  2. Bake Angel Food cake according to instructions.  Cool.
  3. Drain cherries, quarter and set aside.  Save a few cherries to decorate top of cake.
  4. When cake and mixture are cool, whip whipping cream until peaks form.
  5. Mix whipping cream, pineapple mixture and cherries together.
  6. Cut cake into three layers.  Spread mixture on each layer as you reassemble the cake.  Top with cherries if desired.   Keep cake in refrigerator till ready to eat.  Enjoy!

Mug of the Day

Another one by Marjolein Bastin


Aunt update:  Surgery tomorrow.  Definitely a plate for the wrist.  Maybe a graft.  They won’t know until they get in there.